
So we have to write something about our site. Why is it Not Simple then?  Well you cannot see it and Mental Health can be a killer every year around 5600 people take their own lives.

Some people are quite happy to share thoughts, but a lot don’t through fear of discrimination or victimization. People from other races call the racist card, same sex couples use the Homophobic card. So its time, people with Mental Health problems fought back and used the Mental Health card. Why should we be victimized, everyone else pulls their card out. Oh yes when did we last see people getting on there knees because Mental Health Does Matter.  So this has to be a stopped so here we are, the fightback begins.

The aim of this site is hopefully to help people and, also make people aware of the issues we live with. Please refrain from swearing,  spamming and being rude. Anyone not wanting to play nice will be deleted .

Big companies hide behind their size and PLC status. Please don’t be frightened of them, discrimination can floor any company. Don’t be fobbed off, you have the law behind you. We will be covering Universal Credit so stay peeled. Email us your story to admin at itsnotsimple.com

Now we have a few rules. Please dont put lies about people or businesses on. But if you have a documented problem feel free to drop us a line. No we do not give advise or sadly join your side. We will though post interesting items and advice on where we get help. Don’t under any circumstances give out your last name and don’t make your username your real name. To protect you we will delete accounts that make you vulnerable.

About us. Some of the team suffer Mental Health problems but have the skills to build this site. We are all middle aged and want sufferers to fight back. In other posts the team will give their stories. Now we will try to maintain the site but If we have sudden disappear as you know, someone will be unwell.

Lastly we would like to say our team’s heart, goes out to all Mental Health suffers. We need to fight back and will. There are some wonderful websites and help and always remember the David and Goliath story? Again we cannot fight everyone’s corner we are not in a position to, but email in, and if we feel a fight is on lets go.

 Never suffer in silence EVER X

Please mail us your stories admin @ itsnotsimple.com

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